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Пн-ПТ: 10:00-18:00
Сб-Нд: Вихідний

Київ, вул. Велика Васильківська 74, офіс 10

Operative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook M.Yu. Antonenko, L.F. Sidelnikova

Operative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook. Автор — M.Yu. Antonenko, L.F. Sidelnikova, O.F. Nesyn, Zh.I. Rakhniy, I.H. Dikova, Yu.H. Kolenko, O.V. Lynovytska, O.V. Kononova, A.G. Dimitrova.
Operative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook. Автор — M.Yu. Antonenko, L.F. Sidelnikova, O.F. Nesyn, Zh.I. Rakhniy, I.H. Dikova, Yu.H. Kolenko, O.V. Lynovytska, O.V. Kononova, A.G. Dimitrova.
Operative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook. Автор — M.Yu. Antonenko, L.F. Sidelnikova. Обкладинка — тверда
Код: 12099
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Характеристики Operative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook

ВСВ «Медицина»Видавництво Медицина - Логотип
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Бумажная книга

Про книгуOperative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook

The textbook covers the history of dentistry, considers the anatomical and histological structure of the teeth and oral mucosa, describes the restorative materials for caries cavities restoration and root canals obturation, methods of caries cavity preparation and restoration, and root canals obturation. The textbook outlines basic examination methods of patients with hard dental tissue lesions: den¬tal caries and its complications; the basic data of the most common human disease — dental caries, its main etiologic and development factors. The dental caries clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of caries with other similar diseases are described. The methods of dental caries treatment with the use of modern medicamental preparations and restorative materials are described. The causes and mechanisms of dental pulp inflammation — pulpitis, its clinical features, the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment using modern methods of anesthesia are described. The etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features of periodontal ligament inflammation — apical perio¬dontitis are described. The basic methods of its treatment are presented. Considerable attention is paid to typical dentist errors that happen during treatment of dental caries, pulpitis and apical periodontitis, their causes, methods of prevention and elimination are described. The textbook is aimed at English-speaking students of stomatologic faculties of higher medical education establishments.
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